Your support of this effort will directly benefit students, their families, and Louisiana’s business community with workforce training programs providing businesses with a new pool of highly skilled job applicants who are ready for work. With your support, the LCTCS and LCTCS Foundation will continue to work making Louisiana one of the nation’s most responsive states to employers’ workforce needs and one of the most effective at helping adults succeed in high-value careers.

The future of work is changing rapidly and so are the skills and preparation required for Louisianans to fully participate in the modern workforce. An estimated 250,000 more adults will need to earn credentials beyond high school to fill available jobs in Louisiana by 2026. Of Louisiana’s 4.6 million residents 1.1 million hold a high school diploma or less as their highest level of educational attainment. This population struggles daily to carve out a good quality of life for themselves and their families. These citizens need the training opportunities that exist at Louisiana’s Community and Technical Colleges.

Learn more about the lctcs foundation
The LCTCS Foundation is committed to supporting our colleges through advocacy, professional development, and scholarships. When you give to the Foundation for Louisiana’s Community and Technical Colleges, you make an investment in Louisiana’s future workforce, citizens and economy.
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