Thank you for your interest in partnerning with our LCTCS Adult Education/WorkReady U (WRU) programs! Our adult learners have a variety of needs, from earning a high school equivalency, to improving their language, math, or technology skills, as well as getting trained for a better job and/or achieving a college credential.
Find out more about how WorkReady U's Adult Education services can benefit our colleges, uplift our communities, and strengthen our workforce all across Louisiana. Let's work together to help adult learners, and our state, truly thrive!

Adult education offers a lifeline to adults who need to build essential skills to succeed in life and work. It’s more than just going back to school - it’s about opening doors for people who may not have had access to these opportunities before. Imagine trying to find a job without strong reading or math skills, or navigating life in a country where you don’t speak the language.
For millions of adults, these are everyday challenges. In Louisiana, nearly 1 million adults struggle with literacy or math skills. Adult education helps them overcome these barriers, whether by improving basic skills, earning a high school equivalency (HSE), or developing the career-ready skills needed for a good-paying job. WorkReady U is Louisiana's comprehensive Adult Education network, helping adults across the state gain the skills they need to succeed. WorkReady U also helps parents gain the skills to support their children’s education and offers programs for incarcerated individuals to prepare them for life after prison.
Adult Education is about learning practical skills that matter:
- Building reading, writing, and math foundations
- Earning a high school equivalency (HSE)
- Learning English for non-native speakers
- Gaining digital skills for today’s jobs
- Getting workforce training for better job opportunities
- Learning financial and health literacy for everyday life
- Preparing for college and career transitions
Adult learners are individuals, typically aged 25 and older, who return to education to build the skills they need to improve their lives. They come from all walks of life - parents, veterans, career changers, and immigrants - and often face unique challenges in balancing education with work, family, and other responsibilities.
Adults aged 25 and older make up, on average, around 50% of the enrollment across all campuses within the Louisiana Community and Technical College System and are no longer considered what used to be termed the "non-traditional student". However one of the biggest barriers adult learners face is that many educational systems are still designed for younger students with fewer outside obligations. Traditional institutions can lack the flexibility that adults need, with rigid schedules, limited evening or online classes, and services that don’t consider the needs of working adults, parents, or those returning to education after many years.
Adult Education, by definition, is different. It is built around the realities of adult life. Programs like WorkReady U offer flexible schedules, career-focused learning, and practical skills training, all tailored to help adult learners succeed. Whether it’s earning a high school diploma, developing workforce skills, or gaining confidence in the classroom again, adult education meets learners where they are.
With nearly 1 million adults in Louisiana struggling with literacy, numeracy, or digital skills, this gap presents a serious challenge for employers. Workers lacking these essential skills can affect productivity, increase errors, and limit a company’s ability to grow and compete in a rapidly changing economy.
In addition, Louisiana’s labor force participation rate is just 58.6% - well below the national average. While our unemployment rate is low, nearly 1 million people are sitting out of the workforce entirely, many due to a lack of the foundational skills needed to secure and maintain employment. How does this impact businesses?
- Lower productivity: Employees who struggle with basic reading, math, or digital tasks may work more slowly or need more supervision.
- Increased errors: Misunderstanding instructions, documents, or reports due to low literacy can lead to costly mistakes.
- Limited growth potential: As technology advances, employees without digital skills can struggle to keep up, limiting a company’s ability to innovate and adopt new tools.
- Reduced labor pool: With nearly 1 million adults lacking the necessary skills to participate in the workforce, businesses are facing a smaller talent pool, which affects hiring and overall economic growth.
But there’s good news: Adult Education and WorkReady U can help! Programs like workplace literacy focus on building the exact skills employees need to thrive on the job - whether it’s improving reading and writing, enhancing numeracy, or developing critical digital skills.
Along with the nearly 1 million adults in Louisiana struggle with basic reading, writing, and math skills, there are at least 500,000 adults who don’t have a high school diploma. For many, this means fewer job opportunities, lower wages, and more challenges in everyday life. Imagine trying to apply for a job, manage your finances, or help your child with homework when reading and math are such a challenge.
Adult Education changes that by empowering people to improve their skills, secure better-paying jobs, and become economically self-sufficient. When adults build these foundational skills, they not only reduce their reliance on social services, but they also gain the tools to live healthier lives. Improved literacy leads to better health outcomes, informed decision-making, and a stronger ability to navigate medical care. And the impact doesn’t stop there - children of adult learners also see improved academic success, creating a positive ripple effect across generations.
Since 2010, the Louisiana Community & Technical College System (LCTCS) has overseen adult education in the state, guiding 22 local WorkReady U programs housed in community colleges, school systems, nonprofits, and correctional facilities. Together, these programs serve around 30,000 adults annually, helping them gain the skills they need to improve their lives.
There are multiple ways to partner with your WorkReady U/Adult Education program! We can help you with:
- Increasing the numbers of prepared students for your education or training program
- Improving the language, math, and/or digital skill levels of your students or employees
- Increasing the number of trained employees in your workforce/industry
- Building awareness and interest in your industry/career field
- Creating pathways for more of your students or employees to complete a high school equivalency
If you are intersted in one of these Adult Education partnership models, or want to talk through building a new pathway to increase the education and training levels of those you serve or employ, contact us today!
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